
CNN Host: Obama's Anti-Free Trade Position 'Does Not Go Down Well' with Europe

Christiane Amanpour says senator's position is at odds with European officials that want 'globalization.'

Morning Show Fuels Countertop Cancer Fears

'The Early Show' says countertops could be dangerous but does not include representatives from industry.

Linda Greenhouse Leaves the New York Times, Liberalism Intact

Greenhouse, a Times reporter who marched for abortion rights and told a Harvard audience the Bush administration had undertaken a "hijacking of public policy by religious fundamentalism," has ...

A Lady Under Fire

A Washington Post columnist claims a supporter of the ban on gays in the military exhibited rage in Congressional testimony -- but The Hill reveals that the rage was on the other side.

WaPo Snickers as Sacrilegious Show Comes to D.C.

Even as a Catholic group protests the premiere of Jerry Springer: The Opera, The Washington Post raises little concern over the show's content.

Stern on XM/Sirius Merger: 'I Will Never Vote For a Democrat Again'

Satellite radio talk show star cites 'gangsterism,' 'communism' for holding up deal.

Democrats Try and Get Religion, Times Declares It Good

"Can Leah Daughtry Bring Faith to the Party?" The Times certainly hopes so, and forgives her creationist views.

CNBC's Burnett Gives Schumer Free Pass on IndyMac Bank Run

'Street Signs' host claims senior senator from New York 'wishes he was powerful enough as being able to cause a run on a bank.'

Right-Wing Media Watchdogs Can't Handle the Truth

The Times lets the left-wing blogosphere redefine "traditional media" and put the badge of shame on Fox News while citing Keith Olbermann as an objective source.

'Evening News' Praises $25-Billion GSE Bailout

CBS report ignores long-term consequences of bill and calls a rise in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stock an endorsement from Wall Street.
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