
Senators Warn Bill Could Spike Gas $1.50 to $5 a Gallon

Inhofe, Sessions blast massive costs of global warming legislation.

Lauer Prosecutes 'The People vs. Exxon' in CEO Interview

'Today' host repeats popular but faulty criticisms of oil companies in one-on-one with ExxonMobil head.

As The World Squirms

TV writer Ginia Bellefante reports CBS is building ratings for its soap As The World Turns with a gay storyline. But she's amazed the show isn't protested for its "prejudice against the military."

A Grieving Dad vs. Illegal Gang Members

The Times told the heart-tugging story of a black father in Los Angeles whose son was shot dead by an illegal-alien gang member.

Howell Raines Unplugged - Please

The disgraced former Executive Editor of the Times writes a chronicle of gasbaggery about how the national media persecutes black leaders. As opposed to the reverse discrimination in favor of ...

TIME's Campaign Coverage in Question

CMI report exposes editor's political agenda: persuading religious voters to support Democrats.

Religion: How ABC Loathes Thee

Boston Legal episode is a vehicle for anti-religious propaganda under the guise of entertainment.

California Supremes Order Homosexual 'Marriage'-- Will Citizens Submit?

Dissenting justices called the ruling a startling act of legal jujitsu that oversteps judicial power.

Media Make Economic Storms Out of Silver Linings

Reports of stronger economy get spun as negative.

CNN Contributor Calls Obama's $150 Billion Energy Proposal 'Valuable'

AOL Money Coach's answer to high gas prices: Obama proposal matched with 'legislation to force the use of alternative energy.'
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