
'Evening News' Blasts Flame-Retardant Materials

CBS report parrots cause of liberal Maine legislator but downplays the benefits, such as lives saved by chemicals.

Robert Byrd in the Klan Only as a "Young Man"?

But the ancient Democratic senator from West Virginia was praising the KKK as late as 1946 - when he was 28 years old.

Times Apologizes for Calling Democratic Group a Democratic Group

The Times remains sensitive to liberal complaints of unfair labeling, yet tosses around the term "conservative" with abandon.

Media Hype Sex and the City: The Movie

Journalists continue to worship at the altar of sexploitation.

The Worst is Yet to Come According to CNN's 'Your Money'

Correspondent Hunter suggests even the Great Depression can't compare to current 'crisis.'

McCain's Break with "Troglodyte Wing" of GOP & "Know-Nothings Like Rush Limbaugh"

All that and racism too: "Meanwhile, McCain's party tried to hold onto a Republican Congressional seat in Mississippi this week by using racial scare-mongering from the Jim Crow era."

'Nightly News' Calls Cuban Defections a 'Setback'

Segment about Cuban circus romanticizes life under authoritarian socialist rule.

Fat America Throws Out Enough Food to Feed Poor Countries?

A loaded headline and illustration assumes the worst about the U.S. - but a story on wasted food in America eventually shows that some countries throw out just as much.

'Big Oil' Faces 'the Same Game Plan that Brought Down Big Tobacco'

Lawyer that sued the tobacco industry in the 1990s now suing energy industry for causing climate change, according to Atlantic Monthly.

Fretting Over Bush's Criticism of "Appeasement" in Israel Speech

"The comments created an angry tussle back home, as Democrats accused Mr. Bush of breaching protocol by playing partisan politics overseas." As if Jimmy Carter and Al Gore have been models of ...
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