
ABC's Cuomo Goes after Credit Cards

'Good Morning America' highlights student who 'didn't understand' the fees added to her card balance.

Networks Hype Eroding Beaches, Breaking Icebergs

NBC and CBS blame volatility of coastlines and rise in sea level on global warming.

Reporter Lichtblau Accuses Bush Administration of Lying in New Book

From Justice Department correspondent Eric Lichtblau's new book: "The administration, it seemed clear to me, had lied to us" about an anti-terrorist surveillance program.

Still Strangely Soft on North Korea's Dictatorship

"The new South Korean policy, outlined by the new president, Lee Myung-bak, means at least a temporary reduction in generous South Korean economic aid at a dire time for the North..." No mention ...

Former NYT Editor Says Murdoch A Threat to NY Times

Raines warns 'our civil life depends' on keeping newspaper safe from out-performing, Wall Street Journal

NBC Touts New Do-It-Yourself Paternity Test

Today Show fails to address the moral implications.

Dumbest Book of the Year

Even liberals cannot trust the new book by Eric Alterman, Why We're Liberals.

NBC's Mitchell Ignores Causes of Housing Woes

Network's chief foreign affairs correspondent and wife of former Fed Chief Greenspan seeks answers to housing crisis in Democrats' plans.

No Criticism for Hillary's $$$ Mortgage Bailout - But McCain Plan "Like Herbert Hoover"

The Times clearly favors Hillary's expensive mortgage bailout plan to McCain's more hands-off approach.

'Clean Air' Pioneer Predicts Carbon Cap-and-Trade Within Two Years

Environmental Defense Fund director says carbon cap inevitable based on the three remaining presidential choices.
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