
Hollywood's Holy Week Christophobic Fantasy: Zealot Stones Mother to Death

On NBC's Law & Order, a college student influenced by a radical Christian youth minister murders his mother to save her soul after she commits adultery with a Muslim.

Peter Goodman's Strained Idea of an Economic "Slump"

The paper's newest gloomy economics reporter sees hardship in slipping sales of crab meat.

Roger Cohen's Embarrassing Obama Hagiography

"Honesty feels heady right now. For seven years, we have lived with the arid, us-against-them formulas of Bush's menial mind, with the result that the nuanced exploration of America's hardest ...

NYT Weeps as High-Ticket Items Become Unaffordable in Slowdown

Front-page article spins slowing luxury item sales as 'housing-related' hardship hitting 'Main Street.'

Portfolio Magazine Slams Top Corporations as 'Toxic Ten'

Conde Nast's business mag goes after corporations for what it deems 'self-serving' and 'laughable' environmental efforts.

FaithShatters: ABC Takes an Ill-Informed Whack at Creationists

During Holy Week, the Nightline series FaithMatters ridicules Biblical literalists.

Beyond Bunnies and Jelly Bellies: USA Today Explores True Meaning of Easter

Article challenges popular definition of sin and allows Christians to cite the correct definition.

Does Profanity Reign Supreme?

What Hollywood really wants – and in a cowardly way, is refusing to declare publicly – is the right to bombard your living room, and your children, with obscenities.

CNN Reports Oil and Gas Price Fears, Ignores Market Dynamics

'American Morning's' Velshi cites poll of consumer worries but fails to report variables that have led to the rise and recent fall of oil prices.
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