
Linking Today's Illegal Immigration Opponents to Violent Racists of a Century Ago

From a picture caption: "Anti-Catholic - Burning of St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church in Philadelphia, 1844. As immigration soared, so did nativist reaction."

Times Finally Takes Bias Question Seriously - When Hillary Raises It

The Times has certainly shown favoritism toward Obama's campaign. A TimesWatch analysis found that in stories dealing significantly with Obama, he was covered in a positive matter by a ratio of ...

BMI's Gainor: 'Disagreement is Not Allowed in the Media'

Business & Media Institute Vice President tells 'Fox & Friends' media ignore and mistreat global warming 'skeptics.'

NY Times Profiles Racist, 'Deteriorating' Labor Market

Newspaper claims businesses are in a 'hiring strike,' downplays stable, low unemployment.

Clueless in Obama Nation

On Sunday, at Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio, Sen. Obama promoted homosexual legal civil unions in answer to a question posed by a pastor, and then threw out this challenge: If people find ...

The Sunday Washington Post on Satanic Rock: 'Two Horns Up!'

This underlines how low the Post will go for Internet traffic numbers.

Medal of Honor Recipient's Story Unfit to Print?

The New York Post: "The posthumous award of the nation's highest battlefield honor to a Long Island war hero has become another black mark for the Gray Lady. The New York Times carried not a ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Fidel Castro's "Great Social Achievements"

Plus "Unfounded Rumors" About Swift Boat Vets & The Spanish Inquisition

Golodryga: 'President May Be in the Dark about the Price of Gasoline'

'Good Morning America' report offers anecdotes about food inflation, but falls short of reporting what has caused the spike.

International Conference Will Challenge Global Warming 'Consensus'

Scientists, policy experts from around globe will meet in Manhattan to present other side of the climate change debate.
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