
Washington Post Targets Mother in Tangled Tango Reporting

A Virginia school system employee and her children have been exposed to retaliation for opposing a pro-gay children's book.

Sermon from Mt. Obama Raises Big Questions

Barack Obama has expounded his revised standard version of the Sermon on the Mount, but the MSM couldn't care less if Obama waxes theological from here to eternity.

Advantage for Hillary? Carville Wants Primaries, Not Caucuses Due to 'Subprime Crisis'

Clinton advisor uses 'idiotic economic policies' as rationale to support vote most favorable to former first lady.

No Respect for the Dead

The Times finds it necessary to bring up a scientist and global warming skeptic's ties to the tobacco industry in an obituary.

Cuban "Dictator" Batista vs. Castro's "Revolutionary Government"

Fidel Castro wasn't a Communist dictator?

Puffing Up CNN at Fox News' Expense

But CNN's "surge" may be less than meets the eye.

Finding a Gas Station with the Highest Price

Prices onscreen continue to be higher than the national average for gas.

Eco-Groups Could Kill Kosovo Economy Before It Grows

'Biggest enemies of the poor' might seek to shut down new nation's mining lifeline.

ABC Spotlights 'Woman' Who Is Husband and Dad

Good Morning America portrays transgenderism as just one of those complicated choices.

Today Show Features Author Who Excuses Lying

NBC host Meredith Vieira fails to stand up for character and truthtelling.
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