
'Mother of All Tax Hikes' Not Exactly Reaganite Reform

CNN graphic calls Democrat's plan 'tax reform,' but anchor asks tough questions about tax hikes.

Poor Mexicans "Being Squeezed" by Decline in Money Sent Home from Illegals

Isn't the plight of poor Mexicans properly the responsibility of Mexico?

What Would Jesus Download?

GodTube's video of the little girl reciting Psalm 23 has been viewed four million times.

IPCC Report Author Estimates $800 Billion Annual Cost to Capture Carbon from Power Plants

Stanford Professor Ken Caldeira assigns price tag 'for carbon capture and storage costs in ideal locations.'

Talking Around Rangel's Big Tax Hike

The Times manages not to spell out precisely where Rangel's tax-hike proposal would begin to bite on "the wealthy."

Adoring Elizabeth Edwards

No "trophy wife" cracks here: "A campaigner so skilled, some wonder who's running."

NYT Loves Bureaucracy

The Times' new editorial board blog celebrates big government and bureaucracy

'Today' Blames Global Warming for Rise in Food Allergies

NBC Chief Medical Editor Nancy Snyderman interjects global warming alarmism into subject of food allergies.

Bella and the Pro-Life Film Trend

Movie critics will probably hate Bella, since it doesn't even have oodles of sex and profanity in it to keep them entertained. Variety already booed: Manipulative pic trades in fairy-tale views of ...

Double Standards on Osama-Obama Gaffes: Romney vs. Kennedy

Mitt Romney mixed up Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden, and the Times has fun. But what happened when Ted Kennedy did the same thing?
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