
CBS, ABC Embrace Left-Wing Christians, Greet Conservatives with Skepticism

Funny. The liberal media are quick to tout the faith and religious convictions of Democrats and progressive Christians, but treat the religious beliefs of Republican candidates as something ...

CNN: Perception Trumps Reality with Recession

Business correspondent Ali Velshi admits how people 'feel' is more important than economic fundamentals.

'Nightly News' Continues 'War' on Bottled Water

Bottled-water industry targeted again as an environmental evil.

Frank Rich's Gestapo Tactics

Plus: Embracing Che Chic and Panicky Pro-Life Christians

CBS Cites Corruption Expert, Without Saying He's a Democratic Candidate

'Evening News' 'Follow the Money' segment gives one-sided account of a federal fraud probe in the military's food-supply operations for the Iraq war.

Times Cites Vague Pro-SCHIP Poll, Ignores More Factual One Showing Lack of Support

Robert Pear trumpeted a CBS News poll that "found overwhelming support for expansion of the program to include some middle-class uninsured children," ignored a more specific one that showed people ...

'Middle School Kids are Having Sex!'

Rather than a call for contraception, shouldn't that be a wakeup call to our culture?

Conservative Groups "Packaging 9/11" to Help Bush

Janet Elder claims conservatives are taking advantage of the "murky understanding" of voters who think Saddam was involved in 9-11. But what of the poll showing 1/3 of Democrats think Bush was ...

GMA: Sweaters Predict Coming Economic 'Crisis'

ABC doom story warns viewers of red flags to 'watch out' for.

The Times Finds Media Bias in Lou Dobbs' Excoriation of Illegal Immigration

A selective venture into journalistic fact checking, again starring Lou Dobbs and his "thunderous" opposition to illegal immigration.
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