
Miller, the Jesus-Mocking Beer

Miller Brewing Company sponsors an attack on Christianity.

Hillary Dodges Social Security Questions; Doesn't Want to 'Spook' Americans

In CNBC interview, Sen. Clinton claims tax cuts ineffective; says her tax hikes wouldn't hurt the economy.

Long-Shot Dems Get Flattering Front-Page Profiles; What About the GOP?

Three favorable profiles of Democratic long-shots in the Times in less than three weeks, two on the front page, none with a news hook. The GOP hasn't fared quite as well.

'Evening News' Sings the Blues for Employers of Illegal Immigrants

CBS gives sympathetic portrait of businesses breaking the law, overlooks economic facts.

Al Gore, from "Lost Soul" to "International Hero"

Jim Rutenberg provides some oxygen to the "Draft Gore!" movement.

Times Profiles Candidate: "I'm a Democrat Because I'm a Christian"

Double standard? Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Mississippi says "I'm a Democrat because I'm a Christian" - but the Times doesn't raise an eyebrow at this particular mixing of religion and ...

Tila Tequila: the Latest in MTV Sexploitation

Like all reality shows, this one suffers from noticeable scripting, which must have been done by drooling old men in raincoats.

Banning Tango

The most challenged book on the American Library Association's Banned Books Week list, a pro-same sex marriage picture book targeting 4- to 8-year-olds called And Tango Makes Three, wasn't ...

GOP Debate Highlights Free Enterprise, Low Taxes

Candidate responses reflect strong free market traits on economic growth, taxes and government spending.

Some Like It Warmer As Networks Offer Conflicting Winter Reports

ABC, NBC, and CBS dish up three different illustrations of the looming winter months and whether warm or cold, all are bad.
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