
CBS Reporter Says Massive FDA Expansion Will 'Fix' Everything

Report endorses a $225-million expansion of federal bureaucracy and industry regulations.

Greenspan Has 'Grave Doubts' about 'So-Called Cap-and-Trade System on CO2 Emissions'

Media abuzz with Greenspan's criticisms of Bush, but not mentioning criticisms of left-wing global warming policies.

NYT Admits: Dan Rather's Forged Anti-Bush National Guard Report Was "Unsubstantiated"

After constantly terming as "unsubstantiated" allegations by the Swift Boat Veterans against John Kerry, the Times redeploys its favorite word in a welcome new context.

Media Juiced on Celebrity Hype

Camp O.J. has taken over Las Vegas.

Night and Day: CBS, ABC Opposite on Fed Rate Cut

CBS mentions it, but spotlights poll negative about economy; ABC showcases upside.

Read Hillary's Lips: 'No New Bureaucracy'

The return of 'HillaryCare' leaves many questions unanswered, while journalists paint her plan as an innovative, mature solution.

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart Shows Economic Ignorance

'The Daily Show' host displays distorted view of the American economy in interview with Alan Greenspan.

New Book Destroys Credibility of Times' Duke Lacrosse "Rape" Coverage

Why did the Times believe in the Duke rape hoax so long? "[David] Brooks' brand of conservatism - so moderate that he rooted for the Democrats to win control of Congress in 2006 - still put him ...

ABC 'World News' Beats Up on Airline Industry

Airlines hassled for showing best profits across the board 'since before 9/11.'

No Matter Who Runs the Ad, Rudy Still Looks Bad

Give the Times points for consistency - it concludes that both's anti-Giuliani ads and Giuliani's own anti-Hillary ads make him look bad.
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