
'GMA': It's All about Saving the Global Warming Mascot - The Polar Bears

Despite reports of a thriving polar bear population, 'Good Morning America' global warming alarmist warns of 'loss of the homeland for polar bears.'

"Resegregation" in Alabama Schools (and in Omaha Too?)

Guilt by association: "Tuscaloosa, where George Wallace once stood defiantly in the schoolhouse door to keep blacks out of the University of Alabama...."

CNN Warns of a Recession, Ignores Stock Market Gains

'Your $$$$$' ignored guest to promote a downbeat view of the economy.

Embarrassing Celebrity Pundits

A key measure we have for punditry in our political culture is fame, not a display of any brains.

The NYT Keeps Its Fingers Crossed for Hillary-Care

Robin Toner: "Some of the romanticism about the virtues of the American health care system may be diminishing, and not just among the audiences who cheered Michael Moore's 'Sicko' this summer."

ABC 'World News' Coverage of Hillarycare: Leaving Out Cost

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton's plan for health care would cost $110 billion.

Depopulated Protest Marches: Making a Vietnam-Era Mountain Out of a Puny Iraq Molehill

"A rally on Saturday to protest the war in Iraq, which began with a peaceful march of several thousand people to the Capitol, ended with dozens of arrests in a raucous demonstration that evoked ...

Bank of America Bashed for Raising ATM Fees

Bank's decision energizes class warfare rhetoric promoting regulation, as some reports leave out main points.

Times Responds to Accusations of Left-Wing Favoritism on MoveOn Ad

Meanwhile, a Times editorial echoes "Mr. Bush's claims last night about how well the war is going are believable only if you use Pentagon numbers so obviously cooked that they call to ...
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