
Snarky Celebrity 'News' Show Premieres Tonight

Yet another television show draws attention to the antics of the rich and irresponsible. Whatever happened to programming that builds character?

At Least Conservative Thompson "Less Doctrinaire" Than Reagan

Eighteen "conservative" labels in a story on the emerging Thompson campaign.

RealtyTrac Says Media Misrepresent Data

Company responds to criticism of foreclosure data and defends analysis.

In-Flight Fright

Chalk up a new outrage. The airlines are now airing graphically violent and sexualized R-rated movies, and it matters not a bit to them that children cannot help but sit there and watch, ...

NY Times: Charity is Bad - It's Better to Give Your Money to Gov't

Article criticizes private philanthropy, asserting that it messes with the government's redistribution of wealth.

Where Have All the Gay Comic Book Heroes Gone?

The Times unearths a burning issue: "[Perry Moore] also has the fervor of an activist when discussing the dearth - and occasional shoddy treatment - of gay superheroes in mainstream comic books."

The Times Can't Shake Its Skepticism over Terror Plots

Even the undeniable threat foiled in Germany yesterday comes with a caveat: "Europe has been the site of a number of devastating terrorist plots, but some have turned out later to be less than met ...

More Biased Journalism Could Stop Global Warming, Journalist Says

Editor & Publisher columnist says newspapers should abandon objectivity to fight global warming.

State Farm: Bloomberg Markets Magazine Does Hatchet Job on Insurers

Insurance executive fights back against 'lack of journalistic ethics and wanton disregard for the facts' in magazine article.

Newsweek, MSNBC Rely on Atheist Critic to Discuss Mother Teresa's Spiritual Troubles

It's like asking the head of Hamas for insights into the Jewish mind.
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