
Networks Ignore Sparsely Attended Anti-Gun Rallies

Journalists refuse to embarrass activists attacking your ability to responsibly defend your loved ones.

God's Warriors Interviewee Says CNN Misrepresented Him and His Family

Christiane Amanpour reported her preconceived biases about Christians, rather than the facts.

CBS News Does an About-Face on Home Prices

Lower housing prices bad for the economy; 14 months earlier higher housing prices were also bad for the economy.

Suspicious in Seattle? Times Concerned with "Alleged Racial Profiling" on Ferry

The FBI released photos taken on a Puget Sound ferry of two suspicious men and asked the pubilc for help in identifying them. The Times takes a predictable PC angle (and doesn't run the photos).

Gonzales Resigns, Times Lashes Out at Bush-Cheney "Government-by-Fiat"

The Times uses Gonzales' resignation to pile on: "It was Vice President Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser, David S. Addington, who...pushed for a radical rewriting of American policies on such ...

Politics With Your Popcorn: The Sequel

Not even a story on movie sequels is immune from liberal politics.

ABC Touts Fighting Obesity with Highway Money

'World News' plugs left-wing plan to use federal infrastructure funds for bike paths and sidewalks.

God's Christian Warriors, the Newsweek Version

Story on small evangelical college highlights reporter prejudice.

Media's Favorite Coal Expert Picks at Industry

Liberal activist Jeff Goodell paraded by media outlets as objective industry expert.

CNN on Sub-Prime Mortgage Problems: Where is Personal Responsibility?

'Your $$$$$' has a new name, but keeps up the anti-business theme.
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