
NBC's Williams Succumbs to His Inner Frat Boy

Coverage of senior sex story is downright sophomoric.

Suddenly, Iraq Isn't Like Vietnam

Not when Bush makes the comparison to defend the war.

A Bizarre Review of a Bizarre Book: "Poems from Guantanamo - The Detainees Speak"

Dan Chiasson: "It is hard to imagine a reader so hardhearted as to bring aesthetic judgment to bear on a book written by men in prison without legal recourse, several of them held in solitary ...

CNN: Unsafe Sex, Pregnancy the Fault of Smaller Government

Network concerned that deficit reduction eliminated federally subsidized birth control for college students.

The Times Spies Phony Dangers in FISA Legislation

The Times ventures where even the ACLU fears to tread: "Broad new surveillance powers approved by Congress this month could allow the Bush administration to conduct spy operations that go well ...

Time Magazine Blames Lenders, Makes Case for More Mortgage Regulations

Time suggests home buyers are lured in by mortgage lenders and home builders, but ignores borrowers' personal responsibility.

"Belligerent Side" of Giuliani Under Wraps in Iowa

The Times waits for Giuliani to show his true colors in Iowa: "There was no sign of the belligerent side of Mr. Giuliani so familiar to New Yorkers...."

CNN's Upcoming Miniseries Equates Christian Activists with Taliban?

Politicking for family values just isn't the same as sending homicide bombers into crowded marketplaces.

The MTV Disconnect

The network's own survey shows that family and faith, not sex, are what make young Americans happy. Guess what's on the nightly broadcast schedule.
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