
The Story Stalls Here

Ft. Lauderdale is among the nation's leaders in new AIDS cases, but the media are willfully blind to the consequences of men irresponsibly having sex with strangers in public bathrooms. Mayor Jim ...

'Dr. 90210' – or Dr. Crotch?

What compels anyone at this network, from the CEO to the lowliest of interns, to associate himself with this product?

Media Promoting Left-Wing, Class Warfare Rhetoric

Journalists complain about 'loopholes' to push higher taxes on executive pay.

'American Morning' Praises Disgusting 'Produce Paradise' Music Video

CNN's Chetry applauds it for 'pretty good editing,' despite outlandish attack on business.

Chris Matthews, Alan Alda to Star at NYT 'Great Literary Brunch'

Might we detect a liberal tilt in the Sunday brunch lineup of "best-selling authors"?

Washington Post Bombards Craig, Shelters Hillary

The obscure GOP senator's public sex scandal gets five full stories, from the front page to the lead editorial. The Democratic presidential frontrunner's brewing campaign financing scandal gets ...

Networks: Bashing Airlines Is Just the Ticket

Media turn fear of flying into fear of business and don't blame the real culprit - government.

Hitting Rudy Where He's Strongest: 9-11

"...when the city announced that Mr. Giuliani would speak next month at the sixth anniversary of the attacks, some relatives of people who died on Sept. 11 said they were dismayed, some because ...

Media Still Using Wrong Number for Uninsured

New Census data shows increase in uninsured, yet no distinction made between Americans and non-citizens.

Sen. Craig Scandal Means GOP Is Doomed (Again)

Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg lovingly lingered over a long list of Republican ethical woes.
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