
Media Research Center

Tebow Vs. Sam: A Tale of Two Draft Picks

Remember the media hate a young Christian generated.
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC and CBS Hype ‘Food Babe’ Attack on Subway

Food blogger is no scientist, but the networks don’t seem to mind.
Media Research Center

NARAL President: Pro-Lifers, Tea Partiers Are ‘Lying and Cheating’

NARAL hosts first of many Google Hangouts.
Media Research Center

Mark Zandi and Others Wrong on Jobs Data

Zandi was ‘very sure’ weak December numbers would be revised significantly, but latest report only adds 1,000 jobs.
Media Research Center

Cosmo Hosts the ‘2014 Sex Olympics’

The Olympics you don’t want to watch.
Media Research Center

Of the Nets, Only CBS Covered Record Low Abortion Rate

ABC, NBC spare no time for good news.
Media Research Center

NBC’s Olympic-Sized Bias: 13X More Coverage to Russian anti-Gay Law than Attacks on Syrian Christians

Network frets over gays in the Games, ignores Syrian ethnic cleansing.
Media Research Center

Networks Completely Ignore $70 Billion Puerto Rican Debt Crisis

Instead, ABC, CBS and NBC spend more than 11 minutes on Obama’s new dog.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Blogger to Pope Francis: ‘God Obviously Trusted Women’ to Choose Abortion

Feminist offers pontiff excellent recommendations – unless you’re Catholic.
Media Research Center

Left-Wing, Pro-Palestinian Groups Assail Scarlett Johansson, SodaStream

BDS calls for Oxfam to drop Johansson over endorsement.
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