
NY Times' 'Serious' Polling Problem Pushes National Health Care

Front-page story presents data supporting government-run health insurance, but excludes contrary findings.

Is the Times Pushing for National Health Care?

The paper devotes most of its latest poll to health care questions and claims most would willingly pay more taxes for it. But that number is the same as it was in 1993.

The '24' Quandary

There's a difference between action movies, often rated PG-13 or R, in which the viewers drive to the theater and choose the film, and national television, which can often be encountered almost ...

More Imbalance in Illegal Immigration Coverage

Why have the "liberals" abandoned the debate over illegal immigrants?

Still Nothing on Cheney Death Wishes, but Room for "Vandalism" at Edwards' "Virtual" Campaign HQ

The Times' political blog (and the newspaper itself) again avoid the Cheney death wishes from the left, while remaining hypersensitive to conservative blog attacks on liberals.

Networks Hype New-Homes Decline as Sign of Woe

CBS, NBC use new home sales data to make the economy look terrible, while ignoring rise in the majority of the housing market.

CBS Calls 3-Percent Market Drop 'Disastrous'

Cooler heads prevail on ABC and NBC, but NY Times joins in with concerns about 'recession.'

Ignoring Left-Wing Death Wishes for Dick Cheney

The Times has never shied away from blaming conservative blogs for all manner of sins - but will it address the wishes for Dick Cheney's assassination from the left-wing Internet community?

Hostility Toward France's Tough-on-Crime Candidate

Elaine Sciolino on a popular French candidate for president: "Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, the candidate of the governing center-right Union for a Popular Movement party, has yet to shed his ...

Networks Eat Up More Restaurant Mandates

ABC, CBS report left-wing group's press release.
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