
NY Times Reviewer Complains about Friedman Documentary on PBS

Reporter Ginia Bellafante puffs up Friedman rival who said Soviet economy was sounder as it was collapsing in the 1980s.

Bush Interfering with Government Climate Science, Says Unlabeled Left-Wing Group

Cornelia Dean uses a left-wing report to hit the administration: "Under its new Democratic chairman, Representative Henry A. Waxman of California, the House Committee on Oversight and Government ...

Greenhouse Omits Facts that Make Big Bad Wal-Mart Look Good

The Times' labor reporter skips the inconvenient truth: Wal-Mart overpaid 215,000 employees over the last five years, but is not seeking to recover the money.

Media Turn Blind Eye to College's Cross-Spurning Intolerance

A university president insults traditional Christianity and undermines the First Amendment, but is virtually ignored by mainstream journalists.

NY Times Slants Patent Protection Story Against Novartis

Reporter depicts court struggle as one pitting company against 'patients rights groups' instead of liberal activists.

ABC Runs on Fumes with Detroit Auto Story

Anchor Gibson fails to explain how labor unions are partly to blame for GM, Ford 'Running on Empty.'

The "Ic" Factor

George Bush, new master of the verbal putdown?

Fox News Cites Times Watch's Story on Double Standards

Brit Hume led off his "Political Grapevine" by noting a Times Watch discovery: Two Times reporters who have appeared on Charlie Rose relayed personal opinions on the broadcast - but only the one ...

Bellafante Bashes Milton Friedman's "Free-Market Absolutism," Sees Downside to End of Military Draft

Strange, strained criticism of towering economist Milton Friedman: "Though Mr. Friedman's free-choice doctrine contributed to ending the draft in the 1970s, the film takes virtually no note of the ...

Times Reporter Chastised for Saying He Wants US to Win in Iraq

The Times' military correspondent got in hot water for advancing a personal opinion on the Iraq War on television. But what about liberal reporters who do the same?
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