
Double Standards on Racially Charged Criminal Accusations?

A hate-crime prosecutor in Long Beach wins a case, but his lead witness is shown as dubious in the Times. That's not quite how the paper characterized the bearer of false witness in the Duke ...

Whitewashing the Reds (and the Blues, Blacks and Yellows)

Radical leftists defaced the Capitol during Saturday's anti-Iraq War demonstration, and the media covered it up.

CNN's Romans: Conservatives Don't Bother Us about Global Warming As Much Anymore

CNN's 'In the Money' crew, way past 'tipping point' on climate, declares debate has 'come a long way' and laughs at companies' efforts to join climate change movement.

CBS Obesity Story Heavy on Hype, Light On Substance

Reporter Thalia Assuras fails to inform audience of the limitations of body mass index in diagnosing, treating childhood obesity.

Conservative Insight Magazine "Inaccurate" - Except When Cited by the Times?

According to the Times, an "anonymous smear" from Insight magazine was preceded by "a series of inaccurate or hard-to-verify articles on Insight." But the Times cited it last August to bolster a ...

It's a "Caricature" to Call Nancy Pelosi Liberal?

Robin Toner: "For Ms. Pelosi, relentlessly caricatured by the Republicans last year as a hard-edged, tax-raising liberal, the image of mother and grandmother takes the edge off the ideological ...

TV Critics Smear "Scary" Bible Belt

Worldnetdaily Column: CMI's Robert Knight and Kristen Fyfe blast reviews of HBO documentary about evangelical Christianity

AP, NY Times Lament Low Union Participation

Reporters highlight concern about 'intimidation,' leave out possibility that unions work against employees' self interest.

The Times Embraces Ideological Rating System - For Conservatives, Anyway

First Sen. Brownback, now Rep. Duncan Hunter - GOP presidential candidates who announce their candidacies are greeted in the Times with ideological ratings from the American Conservative Union. ...

Wash. Post Shows Balance in Climate Debate As Inconvenient Hassle For Science Teacher

Reporter Blaine Harden leaves out any critics of Al Gore's Oscar-nominated film.
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