
Global Warming (80) Proof

From the Times' specialty drinks writer: 'By proposing to add polar bears to the list of 'threatened' species last month, the Bush administration seemed to finally acknowledge that global warming ...

CBS Prescribes Regulation for Herbal Supplements

But reporter Alfonsi's stories were anemic when it came to presenting the industry's defense.

USA Today Finds Negative Slant to Falling Gas Prices

Reporter Hagenbaugh fails to tell readers that 'consumer rights' watchdog is liberal, conspiracy theorist.

The "Unforgiving," "Shrill" French Minister Who Dared to Criticize Car-Burning Hoods

An unfavorable look at Nicolas Sarkozy's reputation "as the country's unforgiving and divisive enforcer of law and order..."

NY Times to Marriage: Drop Dead

The New York Times celebrates women's "liberation" from dependence on men and the institution of marriage.

Democrats Seeking "Middle Ground"?

But the Times' idea of "governing from the center" includes minimum-wage hikes and increasing education aid.

Vietnam, Always Handy

"The president wants to be like Truman. Some historians think he may be more like L.B.J."

Times Celebrates MLK Day the Usual Way: With GOP-Bashing

"Against the backdrop of an escalating war in Iraq and increasing economic disparity in the United States..." What does that have to do with Martin Luther King Day?

George Soros Not a Liberal?

Yet more double standards in labeling in the Times.

Network Silence Greets Announcement of Chavez's Hostile Oil Industry Takeover

Media continue to ignore or downplay significance of socialist Chavez's control of oil reserves.
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