
Which Way Is It?

Is global inequality increasing or not? The Times can't decide.

The "Obesity Epidemic"?

Liberal health zealotry in the Times.

TV News Ignores Surprisingly Strong Housing Data

Bubble bursting mantra continues to dominate reports despite evidence to the contrary.

CBS Greases Wheels for Democratic Attack on 'Big Oil'

Reporter Armen Keteyian turns story about government incompetence into indictment of oil industry.

Balance is Low on CBS's Pecking Order

'Evening News' plays up study on salmonella in chicken, but leaves out industry rebuttal, consumer group's pro-regulation agenda.

Reporter Again Pushes Bolton Critic Lincoln Chafee as Bolton's Replacement at UN

For the second time in three weeks, Helene Cooper plumps for Bolton's harshest Republican critic as a possible replacement for Bolton as United Nations ambassador.

Castro's Communism "A Work in Progress"

As the dictator misses his 80th birthday party.

Wash. Post Claims Minimum Wage Hike Is Fine by D.C.-Area Biz Owners

Conservative critic says the proposed wage hike will hurt the workers it is intended to help.

In Chicago, a Fairy and Santa Are In, Jesus Is Out

The Christkindl, or Christmas Fairy, is welcome at a Christmas festival in Chicago. So is Santa Claus. But a film about the birth of Jesus has provoked city officials to lower the boom.
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