
Castro "the Prisoner"?

Thousands of dissidents would beg to differ with Anthony DePalma's description.

Barbaro Leaves Out Wal-Mart Employee's Ties to Left-Wing Web Group

One of Times reporter Michael Barbaro's sources for anti-Wal-Mart material is Even so, he failed to mention that Cynthia Murray, a Wal-Mart employee he cited in his August 8 ...

ABC's Dr. Johnson Prescribes Higher Taxes to Get Smokers to Quit

'World News with Charles Gibson' left out second opinion: higher taxes don't lower smoking rates but do breed black markets, mob-related violence.

CBS's Safer Supersizes Bias Against 'McMansions'

But a real estate expert says large, pricey houses are a tiny part of the market.

Disgraced Reuters Photographer Made Saturday's Front Page

Adnan Hajj, dismissed by Reuters for altering a photograph of war damage in Lebanon to make it look worse, made Saturday's front page with an image of a "wounded civilian" in Lebanon

Times Celebrates "Disney Touch" of Terrorist Leader

"The success or failure of any cease-fire in Lebanon will largely hinge on the opinion of one figure: Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah, who has seen his own aura and that ...

CNN Promotes Food Industry for a Change

The cable network takes a break from barking up the wrong tree on industry regulation and personal responsibility.

CBS Hints at More Regulation for the Power Industry

But energy experts point to regulation as the cause for existing problems.

Times Sees a Perky Cuban Economy Under Raul

NYT's Juan Forero presents Cuban economic survival as struggle against Washington, not a struggle with a repressive, bankrupt economic model.

Who'll Stand Up for Israel?

No one on the Times' new war blog, apparently.
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