
CNN's 'AC360' Highlights Obama Waffling on Jobs

Ed Henry says President moved 'goal post' for job creation again.

"Obama-Style Optimism" in Governors' Mansions?

William Yardley found a "staunch fiscal conservative" governor, but no liberal ones.

Now They Tell Us: John McCain a "War Hero," Barack Most Liberal Senator

With Obama safely in the White House, McCain-hostile reporter Elisabeth Bumiller says the military preferred McCain to the "liberal" Obama.

ACORN Gets $2,000,000 from Bailed Out Bank of America

Will media pursue beleaguered financial institutions charitable contribution to controversial organization as they have with executive compensation?

Public Pans Obama's Abortion Action

Gallup finds Obama's overseas abortion funding decision least popular. Will media continue its silence on the issue?

Smut Still Sells During Super Bowl

Many big ads in the big game were salacious or juvenile – or both.

HuffPo Blogger Cheap Shots CNBC's Burnett for Not Toeing Populist Line

Liberal writer complains that NBC's 'Meet the Press' did not have 'a progressive voice' like Paul Krugman

ABC: Cutting Food Costs Can Lead to Obesity

'World News' says receding economy can cause expanding waistlines.

After Being Dead Wrong the First Time, DeParle Hits Welfare Reform Again

Veteran reporter Jason DeParle criticizes welfare reform on Monday's front page, but has opposed it from the start: In 1996 he accused Bill Clinton of "seeking re-election with a bill that ...

'Bulls & Bears' Guest Can't Find Example of Stimulus Success

Talk radio host and stimulus bill proponent Leslie Marshall was asked, but couldn't name an economic recovery linked to stimulus.
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