
CBS Highlights 'Eco-Warrior' Kids Living 'Green Gospel'

Network celebrates green-indoctrinated nags as little 'future custodians.'

Senator Warns White House Will 'Create Crisis' and 'Panic' to Push Stimulus

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., criticizes mainstream media for not reporting loads of pork in proposed legislation.

The Times' War Against Health Care?

Tuesday's front page features the fourth front-page story arguing for limiting health care choices in the name of cost savings.

"Hardline," "Far-Right-Wing Government" on Rise in Israel

Isabel Kershner takes the political temperature in Jerusalem after the incursion into Gaza, and seems displeased with the results.

Congresswoman Claims to Have Asked Gore About Global Warming on 19-Degree Inauguration Day

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., warns about forthcoming cap-and-trade legislation and says earth is entering into a long-term global cooling stage.

Science Reporter Lets Tears of Joy Flow Over Obama

Science reporter Dennis Overbye lets the tears flow over Obama: " could feel a dark cloud lifting like a sigh from the shoulders of the scientific community in this country."

Critic Works "Extreme" Patriot Act Criticism Into Review of Oppenheimer Doc

TV critic Mike Hale: "And the more extreme features of the Patriot Act may come to mind when witnessing some of the tactics used in the campaign to smear [J. Robert] Oppenheimer and remove ...

Ann "Darth Vader" Coulter Cruelly Dislodges Kitten from Best Seller Slot

A Times' book review writer claims "specious" Ann Coulter has "perfected the footnote-heavy, single-word-titled screed."

FNC: Stimulus Plan is Keynesian 'Hogwash'

'Bulls & Bears' analysts say Keynesian economics failed to stimulate economy in past recessions.
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