
NBC Features Retired Businessman Striving to Fix Urban Schools

'Nightly News' segment highlights billionaire philanthropist who has donated time and money to improving education.

Wall Street Journal Fails to Identify GOP-Bashing Author as Gay Activist

James Kirchick's column comes straight out of the homosexual political playbook.

Running Purity Rings around MTV

Chastity enjoys a resurgence among some teen stars.

Profane Palin Hate, Unfit for Publication? WaPo 'Washes In Most Happily'

Please remember episodes like this when the Left (and its subset, The Washington Post) stands up and says that hate speech from the right is a terrible problem.

Cramer: 'Dysfunctional' Banking System Puts U.S. 'Totally' at Risk of 'Great Depression No. 2'

CNBC host promotes taxpayer-funded federal bailout and Fed interest rate cut to stem financial problems.

Gee, Why Do Conservatives Think Journalists Are Snooty Liberals?

A Times reporter tells two people at a McCain rally: "You have to read the New York Times. Don't just listen to what Bill O'Reilly says."

CNBC: Dems Will Exploit Sex Scandal to Stop Oil Drilling

Media editor predicts Obama will use Interior Department scandal to prevent opening off-limits federal land for energy exploration.

ABC Highlights 'Anything but Helpful' Government Healthcare 'Mess'

'Good Morning America' reports on faulty Medicare hotline.

Rohter Rides to Obama's Defense on "Distorted...Discredited" Sex-Ed Charges

Reporter Larry Rohter's pro-Obama fact-checking: McCain's accusations "seriously distort the record....old and discredited accusations." As if Barack Obama and Joe Biden never make faulty ...

NYT Reporter Absolutely Sure Obama's "Pig" Wasn't Palin

Covering for Democrats: Kate Phillips just knows that Obama wasn't insulting Palin with his "lipstick on a pig" remark. Back in 2006, Phillips tried to get people to stop talking about John ...
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