
Media Error Causes Steep Loss for United Airlines

2002 story about airline's bankruptcy leads to Wall Street panic shares fall as low as a penny.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Compares Obama to Virgin Mary - Times Doesn't Blink

Times reporter Andy Newman calmly passed along that Obama's preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright was taking instructions from Jesus himself.

Seelye Shrugs Off Dem. Ed Rendell's "Big Lie" Smear of McCain

Pennsylvania's Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell accused the McCain camp of employing "the Big Lie strategy."

Bob Herbert Unleashed: "Arch-Conservative" Clarence Thomas's "Self-Hatred"

Mild-mannered columnist Bob Herbert lets the mask slip: "Self-hatred is a terrible thing. Just ask that arch-conservative Clarence Thomas."

ABC: Manmade Global Warming Causing Worse Allergies

'World News' reports greenhouse gas emissions, higher temperatures creating more growth of ragweed.

MTV Host Russell Brand, "Intelligent...Philosophical" Bush-Hater

Some of Brand's musings: Calling President Bush a "retarded cowboy" and telling Americans they must vote for Barack Obama "on behalf of the world."

The Cost of Killing Palinzilla

The liberal media's all-out assault on the faith and character of the GOP vice presidential nominee comes at a steep price: credibility.

Palin Heat Threatens Planet

The reaction of the media and assorted leftwingers to the GOP vice presidential nominee seems a trifle overwrought.

CEO: Fannie/Freddie Bailout Makes America 'More Communist than China'

Rogers Holdings chief tells CNBC Europe U.S. brand of socialism is meant only for the rich.

Networks Link Global Warming to Hurricanes

ABC, NBC connect recent storms to man-made CO2 emissions.
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