
Obama's Attacks Applauded; 2004 GOP Attacks Were Assailed as "Brutal...Furious Assault"

The Times saluted Barack Obama's "good, great or something else" speech for its "cutting language" against Republicans - but four years ago Republicans were accused of "ruthless" and "brutal" ...

Media: Dems Acknowledging Abortion Disagreement is 'Reaching Out' to Pro-lifers

During his speech at the Democratic convention, however, Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, Jr. didn't really reach out to pro-lifer voters at all.

Celebrities Embarrass Obama

With friends like Madonna and Ludacris, who needs enemies?

Post Reporter: Romney's Free Trade Principles a 'Vulnerability'

Washington Post reporter says Mitt Romney's free trade history could hurt him should he become nominee.

'Economic Disaster' Brought to You by Obama, News Networks

Obama finally joined the media's economic disaster choir.

P. Diddy Grounds Private Jet: 'Gas Prices Is Too Motherf---ing High'

Hip-hop mogul asks Saudi Arabian 'brothers and sisters' for free oil.

McCain's "Legions" of Race-Baiters Targeting Heir to FDR

Former reporter Timothy Egan on "underdog" Obama "fighting the headwinds of history" and McCain's "legions" of underhanded race-baiters.

Was John Kerry "Swiftboated" in 2004?

No surprise in the Times' choice of verb.

"Barack Hussein Obama" Now OK With the NYT

After several stories criticizing conservatives for using Barack Obama's middle name, the Times leads with it.

Cramer Supports Obama's Tax Hikes

CNBC 'Mad Money' host says individuals making more than $250,000 should pay higher rates.
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