
CBS Gives Downbeat Spin of Bush Economy

'Evening News' cites 'economy in shambles' as stain on presidential record.

Ignorant Questions to Gov. Bobby Jindal: Converting to Christianity = Rejecting Family Values?

Deborah Solomon to La. Gov. Bobby Jindal: "If the Republican Party bills itself as the party of family values, what should we make of the fact that you rejected the name your parents gave you, ...

Ron Paul: Palin Can't 'Rein in the Empire'

Former GOP and Libertarian presidential candidate calls for 'hard money' approach to economics in alternative convention speech.

Palin-Bashing in the Supermarket Checkout Line

US Weekly, a tabloid owned by an Obama supporter, impugns the character of the GOP vice presidential candidate in this week's cover story.

Whalin' on Palin: Media Discover Motherhood, Overlook Character

Since GOP presidential candidate John McCain announced Alaska's governor would be his running mate, the dirt-diggers have been working around the clock.

NYT Questions Palin's "Parenting"; Bumiller Flubs Palin's AIP "Membership"

Reporter Kate Zernike (pictured) in a podcast wonders why Sarah Palin accepted McCain's invitation given that she had a pregnant teen-age daughter, and Elisabeth Bumiller's front-page story ...

A Candidate's Lonely Iraq Crusade Finally Vindicated...Obama's?

Bizarre: "Senator John McCain's rival, Senator Barack Obama, once was a lonely voice demanding the withdrawal of all combat forces by mid-2010. But now, Iraq's leaders are pushing a timetable that ...

CNBC Anchor 'Embarrassed' by Media Coverage of Palin Daughter

'Squawk Box' host upset pregnancy story on 'cover of every paper.'

ABC Resorts to Questionable Ethics ... Again

'World News' goes undercover in segment contrary to journalistic standards, despite having cameraman arrested for same tactics a week before.

Mildly Criticizing (But Also Excusing) Unhinged Rumors of Sarah Palin's Pregnancy

Making excuses for unhinged leftist rumors: "For those who are blaming the liberal blogs in the Palin instance, the left would certainly counter and take aim at Republican blogs and Internet sites ...
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