
Bush Wins on Wiretaps - Times Plays It (Mostly) Straight

Reporter Eric Lichtblau, notorious killer of classified anti-terrorist programs, gives Bush his victory due, but also calls a key aspect of the program "divisive." But how divisive was it? The ...

ABC Accuses Gas Stations of 'Luring' Customers with Price 'Bait-and-Switch'

'Good Morning America' portrays covering extra expenses as dirty business, misleads on business practices.

Top Pop Hit Goes from Bad to Worse

The old #1 song verged on pornography. The new #1 song is even more offensive.

GOP Senator Vows to Close Down Senate Until 'Vote on Offshore Exploration'

Sen. Jim DeMint calls Pelosi, Democrats 'hypocrites' for urging Bush to release oil from the strategic reserves and opposing drilling.

Sen. Jim Webb Sways from Left's Energy Playbook

Virginia Democrat promotes nuclear and coal power; expresses concern about warming but doesn't hype alternative or 'renewable' energy as solution to energy woes.

Starbucks Coverage with a Shot of Schadenfreude

From calories to caffeine, the coffee company and its products have been targeted by slanted media reports.

Iraq Vets: Alcoholic Criminals?

Lizette Alvarez seizes on "anecdotal evidence" to find alcohol abuse rising among combat vets who served in Iraq and Afghanistan - the latest entry in the Times' notorious "War Torn" series of ...

Double Standards on VP Picks - Lots of Conservative Labels, No Liberal Ones

While "conservatives" have trouble with Mitt Romney and Tom Ridge and like Sen. John Thune, there are apparently no liberals who have trouble with conservative Democrats Sam Nunn and Sen. Jim Webb.

Hollywood's Teen Sexploitation

The entertainment industry cashes in on teen pregnancy, at great cost to society.

The Early Show Normalizes Illegitimate Births

CBS's Lara Spencer announced with equal exuberance new births to celebrities in and out of wedlock.
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