
'Evening News:' Food Stamp Allotments Aren't Enough

CBS emphasizes hardship of food stamp users, complains that government has not increased federal assistance to match food inflation.

Weeds and Marijuana Chic

Hollywood is glamorizing pot smoking, despite the evidence of the drug's danger.

CNBC Contributor Blasts Limbaugh Deal: 'What Are These People Smoking?'

Vanity Fair media columnist says popular host will be 'oddity,' claims 'rise of conservatism' 'coming to an end.'

MSNBC Host: Former NYSE Chief 'Poster Child' for 'Excess'

Brzezinski, Buchanan skeptical of Grasso pension; guests jump to defend.

'Energy Independence Day': Take Two

Pelosi's July 4, 2007, pledge unfulfilled one year later while media still promote freedom from foreign power.

Newsworthy: Long Sunday Profile Gives Limbaugh a Fair Shake

When the Times runs a long profile of Rush Limbaugh that doesn't actually caricature its subject as a bombastic, cigar-chomping mocker of the downtrodden, it's worth a mention.

Today's Lead Story: "Gloom" From "Awful Sales Numbers" Means Plummeting Economy

The Times' gloomiest economics reporter Peter Goodman leads with "awful sales numbers" for autos, and paints an economy headed for the abyss.

NBC News: Oil to $300-$400 a Barrel if Iran Attacked

Network's chief foreign correspondent warns Middle East turmoil could more than double petroleum price.

ABC: Penguins are the Next 'Canaries in the Coal Mine'

'World News' reports new population study that promotes global warming alarmists' agenda.

Exposé or Exploitation?

ABC Family's new show on teen pregnancy attempts to walk the line between cautionary tale and entertaining programming – and fails.
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