
A Tale of Two Tax Rebates

What a difference a retail sales report makes.

'Evening News' Blames Corn Prices on Floods, not Ethanol

CBS segment reports government estimates for this year's corn crop will be 10 percent lower than last year, but fails to mention effects of fuel subsidies on prices.

Media 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' about Key Ruling

Court's affirmation of military policy goes unreported even by AP, which instead exhorts Democrats to rescind ban on homosexuality.

Boxer Indifferent to Effect of Higher Oil/Gas Taxes

Liberal Senator tells MSNBC 'tax-breaks, no tax-breaks, we've got to get off this addiction and when we do, we'll be free of them.'

ABC Warns of Credit Card 'Addiction'

Extreme borrower scenarios on 'Good Morning America' paint picture of credit card users struggling 'to make ends meet.'

Media Claim Ed McMahon Victim of 'Subprime Mess'

Journalists link foreclosure to economy instead of from his own admitted blunders.

U.S Shouldn't Assume People Want to "Live Like Americans"

"It is those kinds of assumptions - that the citizens of foreign countries want to be liberated by America and live like Americans - that can really get under people's skin."

Global Warming Alarmists Like High Gas Prices

Climate change activists in elected office, lobbying and the media view rising fuel costs as 'the best thing that can possibly happen.'

Double Standard Alert: GOP "Death Tax" in Quotes, Dem "Windfall Profits" Not

Liberal conventional wisdom on display on Wednesday's front page, with "death tax" and the idea of "victory" in Iraq surrounded by quotation marks, but liberal phrases run unencumbered.

Danger! Danger! Alessandra Stanley Attempts a Simile

"And like the Sci Fi series, Mr. McCain, with occasional puckishness, can tap in to voters' darkest fears of terrorist aggression and apocalyptic doom."
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