
NBC Blames 'Speculators' for Higher Commodity Prices

'Nightly News' segment ignores vital function futures markets serve in free-market economy.

Media Ignore that Gagging Sound from Canada

U.S. journalists are failing to report on an effort to censor a columnist prominent in Canada and the U.S.

ACLU Targets Heartland, Sets Off CMI's Grinch-o-Meter

UPI seems ecstatic about the news.

ABC Predicts Suicide Rates Will Go Up, Just Like During Great Depression

'Good Morning America' reports rise in health problems thanks to financial stress, but piles on with another Depression reference.

Times Embraces Harmful, Human-Based "Global Warming" as Settled Fact

Purportedly objective reporter Matthew Wald chides energy companies: "This is not a good way to get started in fighting global warming."

Dodd: Government Can Mandate What Profit is 'Fair' for Business

Senate Banking Chairman targets oil firms for windfall profits tax.

Dark Days for Fla. Immigrants: "Fears Now Cloud the Most Basic Routines"

Sobbing for illegal immigrants who've deserted a Florida town: "Many of the Hispanic immigrants who came in 2004 to help rebuild after Hurricane Ivan have either fled or gone into hiding. Churches ...

'Nightly News' Attacks Home Lenders for Not Caving in to Troubled Borrowers

Segment puts burden on mortgage companies to make concessions on payments and interest rates to borrowers.

New CMI Special Report: 'Unmasking the Myths Behind the Fairness Doctrine'

America doesn't need the government to regulate political speech on the airwaves. Politicians need more respect for the First Amendment.

Los Angeles Times Misses Max Hardcore's Obscenity Conviction

Hometown paper yawns as a jury cracks down on a prominent pornographer.
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