
No Liberals in Louisiana? That's What Adam Nossiter Thinks

Discussing an upcoming special congressional election, Nossiter says the word "liberal" is "an unlikely appellation in a state where at most a handful of black politicians from the larger cities ...

Coverage of May Day Immigration Rally Less Slanted, But Times Still Found "Fear"

Coverage of illegal immigration rallies, more balanced but still slanted: "...a cloud of fear has settled over immigrants who were worried that the rallies would lead to more sweeps."

Profiles in Cowardice, Unreported

Smith College allows militant lesbians to silence a speaker; APA, pressured by gay activists, cancels a panel on therapy for homosexuals. Liberal media ignore both stories.

ABC: Gas Tax Break 'Great Politics, but Apparently Terrible Economics'

'World News' reports proposed gas tax holiday supported by Clinton and McCain is bad for consumers and the environment.

Weather Channel's Cullen Hopes to Push Global Warming Agenda on

Network's 'Forecast Earth' host calls for use of Web to project the effects of climate change into the future.

CBS Calls Fidel Castro 'Revolutionary Hero,' Touts Brother's Reforms as 'New Era'

'Early Show' reports changes in Cuba as milestone toward liberalization, but restricted Communist economy remains.

McCain Health Plan Means Tax Hike, Says Suddenly Concerned Times

"McCain Health Plan Could Mean Higher Tax," a headline declares, and for once, the Times is not trying to be complimentary. But how are Clinton and Obama planning to pay for their own huge ...

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: NYT's Sorrowful Account of the Obama-Wright Split

Michael Powell and Jodi Kantor: "Mr. Obama gave his speech on race in Philadelphia, a long, pained, nuanced take that purchased distance between himself and his mentor, even as he struggled to ...

After Positive GDP Growth, 'Nightly News' Unveils Negative Craigslist Indicator

CNBC's Burnett answers unexpectedly positive GDP numbers with a new economic measure.
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