
Media Find Another Housing Crisis Villain: The Builder

ABC's 'Nightline' runs segment blaming homebuilders for glut of housing in Arizona community.

'Nightly News' Praises 'Victory' Over Home Depot

NBC News host lauds 'great story' about small-town hardware stores outlasting big box chain.

CBS Evening News Touts Financial Discipline Expert, but Omits Her Faith Motivation

Reporter Richard Schlesinger is surprised by the notion of giving 10% to charity, the Biblical principle of tithing.

Still Calling it the Haditha "Massacre"

Manohla Dargis reviews a British filmmaker's dramatization of the "massacre" by Marines in the Iraqi town of Haditha.

NBC Off by $70 on Expert's View about $200-a-Barrel Oil

Tom Costello reports record-high predictions don't 'surprise' analyst John Kilduff, although Kilduff says oil will top out in the $130s.

Cindy Crawford Saves the Environment One $20 Water Bottle at a Time

Supermodel appears on ABC's 'Good Morning America' to promote green tips of the rich and famous.

Polar Bear Scare Could Maul Energy Production

Global warming alarmists, news media portray arctic beasts as victims and spokesbears, but protecting their thriving population means greatly increased federal power to control our lives.

Women Airbrushed from Summer Movie Screens, Whines Movie Critic

Manohla Dargis tries to make summer moviegoers feel guilty about the lack of women in films: "All you have to do is look at the movies themselves - at the decorative blondes and brunettes smiling ...

All We Are Saying is Give Profit a Chance

'Evening News' is talkin' 'bout money drought, selling out, 'Lennon, thanks,' making bank.

Walters Makes Light of Adultery in Autobiography

News of Barbara Walters' cheating past gets a free pass from Oprah and The Washington Post.
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