
U.S. Still Making Life Miserable for Illegals, Says Unidentified Hillary Pollster

One question from a pollster highlighted by the Times: "The anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States is making it more difficult to send money to my family." How, exactly?

NPR President: Climate Change to Make LA Traffic Even Worse

Kevin Klose tells global warming forum the U.S. must brace for 100 million more people and crowded roads.

CBS May Day Bouquet to the Castros

On The Early Show, correspondent Liz Palmer describes Fidel Castro as Cuba's revolutionary hero and lauds new dictator Raul Castro's efforts to improve workers' lives.

A May Day for Feminism at the Post

Women belong in combat, and mothers don't need husbands.

CBS's Criminal Minds Smears Christians

Gay son becomes serial killer because religious dad tried to beat him straight.

NBC's Brian Williams Puzzles Over Countercultural Cornucopia of Sunday NYT

From gay grilling aficionados to flea markets to sex chairs, the Times Sunday edition leaves the NBC anchor a bit bemused.

Media Side with Anti-Coal Environmentalists Despite Urgent Power Needs

Reports on the industry assume coal is bad because of CO2 emissions and rely heavily on left-wing eco groups.

The Times Turns on Wright, Alongside Obama

But the lead editorial tries to lump in Jeremiah Wright with a McCain supporter, controversial minister John Hagee.

Obama's 'Pastor Souljah' Moment

Media hope Obama has put the Wright controversy behind him, but important questions yet unasked must be answered first.
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