
Media Take Sides in OK Lawmaker's 'Homophobia' Flap

An anti-Sally Kern rally of 300 made the New York Times. Almost no press mentions of the pro-Kern rally numbering at least 1,500.

Ted Turner's Next Prophecy: Food Riots 'Going to be More Commonplace'

After forecasting cannibalism from global warming, media mogul-turned-U.N. Foundation chairman appears on CNBC and ties 'global climate change' to 'an ever-increasing population.'

More than 33,000 People Send Petition with 'Outrage' Over Time's Doctoring of Iwo Jima Photo

Media Research Center petition demands apology from magazine for 'offensive cover demeaning World War II vets.'

Painting New Dovish Israel Lobby as "Pro-Israel" and Moderate

Reporter Neil Lewis advertised the formation of an alleged "pro-Israel lobby" but left off the part about its stated opposition to what it calls "the far right."

John McCain "Awkward" in N.O. About His "More Privileged Past"

Elisabeth Bumiller characterized McCain's tour of the Ninth Ward of New Orleans in starkly cynical terms: "Mr. McCain, who was on the fourth day of a tour of America's 'forgotten places' to try to ...

More Melodrama on the Bad Economy, This Time Over Heating Bills

Woe in the Northeast thanks to the bad economy, says Erik Eckholm: "...natural gas and electricity prices have also climbed at a time when low-end incomes are stagnant and prices have also jumped ...

NYT's Movie Critic: Bush Years "One Long, Dumb, Dirty Joke"

Chief movie critic A.O. Scott: "If you think the last seven years have been one long, dumb, dirty joke - or maybe if, sometimes, you just wish you could believe as much - then 'Harold & Kumar ...

Cramer on Ethanol: 'Drop the Mandate, Prices Plummet'

CNBC host one of few journalists to connect food inflation to government intervention in market.

NYT: Gay Bishop is 'Normal,' Opponents Are 'Conservative'

Reporter Laurie Goodstein never labels the Episcopal hierarchy, which has rejected Biblical teaching on homosexuality, as 'liberal.'

Obama and the Hip-Hop Problem

So Barack Obama is feeling like a pimp?
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