
Mayor Bloomberg to Buy the NYT? Publisher Sulzberger Says No

The NYT Co. also headed off a possible proxy fight at its annual shareholders meeting by installing two representatives of its critics onto its board of directors.

Are Hillary Voters Racist?

Adam Nagourney: "The composition of Mrs. Clinton's support - or, looked at another way, the makeup of voters who have proved reluctant to embrace Mr. Obama - has Democrats wondering, if not ...

Times Frets Over "Racially Divisive" Anti-Obama Ad in NC

Twice in two days the paper has worried that a new GOP ad invoking Jeremiah Wright's hateful words may be racially divisive. Speaking of divisive, the Times has yet to quote Wright's "God damn ...

'Evening News': Foreclosures Causing Increased Homelessness

CBS blames housing crisis, not lost job, for loss of home in foreclosure hardship story.

Burnett Blames U.S. Rice Craze on 'Paranoia'

CNBC reporter says U.S. has no shortage of rice, blames ethanol for increased pressure on food prices.

Networks Ignore Government's Role in Ethanol-Driven Global Food Crisis

Food inflation and hunger riots tied to ethanol mandate U.S. politicians and journalists supported.

Hollywood Director: Jesus 'Probably' Fathered by Roman Rapist

Filmmaker Paul Verhoeven is about to publish a 'realistic' biography of Christ, and hopes to follow with a movie.

Abstinence Education: Bias on the Hill and in the Press

Neither the LA Times nor Reuters reported that comprehensive sex education -- condoms and contraceptives -- receives 12 times more funding than no-sex-before-marriage programs.

NASA's Hansen Rails Against Coal At Fringe Left-Wing Event

'Climate Super Rally' strays from global warming into leftist anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war and anti-corporation event.

RFK Jr.: Quitting Carbon Use Like 'Abolishing' Slavery

Environmentalist's 'manifesto' in Vanity Fair issues call to 'decarbonize' entirely.
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