
Wow: Ben Stein's Evolution Documentary "Unprincipled Propaganda Piece"

Jeannette Catsoulis: "One of the sleaziest documentaries to arrive in a very long time, 'Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed' is a conspiracy-theory rant masquerading as investigative inquiry."

Liberal Justice John Paul Stevens' "Remarkable Journey" to Oppose Death Penalty

Retiring Supreme Court reporter bids a fond farewell of sorts to liberal Justice John Paul Stevens for renouncing the death penalty as unconstitutional - ignoring the clear meaning of the Fifth ...

NYT Piles On in Debate Backlash Against ABC

The Times forwards liberal whining about ABC's Democratic debate: "If there was a common theme, it was that Mr. Gibson and Mr. Stephanopoulos had front-loaded the debate with questions that many ...

NYT Reporter: US "Has Flouted the Basic Principles of Justice" in War on Terror

Raymond Bonner in the left-wing New York Review of Books: "There are still hundreds of prisoners held without charge at Guantánamo, and it will in all likelihood be left to the new administration ...

ABC's Artificial Turf Scare: 'Virtually a Hazardous Waste Dump'

'World News' report claims artificial turf poses a chemical threat despite no cases of health problems ever reported.

Iwo Jima Veterans Blast Time's 'Special Environmental Issue' Cover

Time editor tells MSNBC 'there needs to be a real effort along the lines of World War II to combat global warming and climate change.'

Iwo Jima Vets Blast TIME's 'Special Environmental Issue' Cover

TIME editor tells MSNBC 'there needs to be a real effort along the lines of World War II to combat global warming and climate change.'

Character Questions

ABC was right to ask about Obama's judgment and patriotism, and Hillary's honesty.

ElectionWatch: Newsweek Devotes 18 Pages to Fawning over 'Green,' Including Candidates' Credentials

Newsweek praises Obama's 'thrilling' speechmaking, looks for the 'greenest candidate' for president and spews tons of global warming alarmism.

ABC, CBS Ignores Zero Deaths, Fewer Airline Crashes

Only NBC reports on zero-fatality year for air travel industry after the three networks pound airlines for delays and higher fares.
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