
NYT Smothers McCain's Conservative Tax-Cut Plan with Dem Assaults

Michael Cooper, always on the bright side: "With the address, Mr. McCain labored to overcome the impression that he does not understand the economy well, and the idea being pushed by his ...

ElectionWatch: NBC on McCain's Proposed Tax Cuts: It 'Doesn't Add Up'

'Nightly News' finds everything wrong with the presumptive GOP nominee's economic plan and nothing right.

CNN's 'Compassion' Forum Needed Ben Stein

Why didn't Campbell Brown and Jon Meacham ask the tough questions?

What They Like

If you are the parent of a kid who plays video games, this site's for you.

CosmoGirl! as a Religious Guide? Hardly

Article discusses religion without a clear understanding of what religion really is.

Vieira Asks Another Airline CEO for Impossible 'Guarantee'

'Today' co-host asks for a guarantee Delta Air Lines would not raise fares or reduce services in wake of airline merger.

ElectionWatch: Krugman Recycles Story His Own Paper Debunked; Then Apologizes

Liberal columnist repeated a disproved Clinton talking point to promote the need for socialized medicine five days after his own newspaper disproved it.

Times Greets Bush-Supporting Berlusconi's Comeback in Italy with Raspberry

Oh no, not him again: "Silvio Berlusconi, the idiosyncratic billionaire who already dominates much of Italy's public life, snatched back political power in elections that ended Monday...the least ...

Networks Report Zero Upside to Delta/Northwest Merger

Evening news shows ignore positives of industry consolidation for consumers and improvements in long-term stability of the industry.

"Hard-Liner" Pope Coming to America

"His reputation over many years is as a man of doctrinal hardness, who condemns homosexuality and abortion, who regards Catholicism as the only true faith - positions at times difficult to digest ...
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