
Oprah Redefines Normal with Pregnant 'Man'

Media ignore the simple reality: Thomas Beatie is a woman.

CBS Omits Skepticism of Homeowner Bailout Plan

'Evening News' acts as if mortgage rescue package is taxpayers' duty since 'the government helped rescue Bear Stearns.'

Reporter Snipes at "General Paranoia" of White House over Terror Threats

Eric Lichtblau talks about his book on the far-left public radio network Pacifica.

CNBC's Cramer: Job Brings 'A Lot of Death Threats'

'Mad Money' host says criticism of some stocks upsets people enough for him to call police.

'Today' Teaches History, Shows Light at End of Recession Tunnel

NBC morning show assumes economy is in recession, compares current conditions to 1973, 1987 and 2001.

While Covering Lies by Hillary and Obama, Couric Smears McCain

CBS 'balances' a story about whoppers told by the Democratic candidates by falsely depicting a McCain policy prediction as a lie.

The Revolt Against Sincerity

America is mired in the Snark Ages.

ABC Rides with Foreclosure Police for Economic Heartbreak Report

'Good Morning America's' Mike von Fremd reports on law enforcement having to compel homeowners in foreclosure to leave.

Time Bashes Ethanol, Calls It 'Clean Energy Scam'

Magazine takes environmentalist position against corn fuel, says consequences of biofuel craze such as rain forest destruction 'could haunt the planet for generations.'

Media Pit 'Main Street' Against Wall Street

Theme emphasizes a divide between rich and poor, evokes John Edwards's 'two Americas.'
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