
To Protect Illegal Immigration, NYT Goes to Bat Again for Agri-Business

Did the "new politics of immigration" really put a farmer "out of business"?

ABC News: Weight Discrimination is 'Spiraling Upward'

Story on network's Web site claims 'weight-ism more widespread than racism,' blames business and attacks personal responsibility.

OK, What Have They Done With the Real Howard Dean?

"Democrats' Turmoil Tests Party's Low-Key Leader" - Headline to April 2 story on Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard "I Have a Scream" Dean.

A Double Standard on the Dow: If It Soars, It Bores...

...but if it's bleeding value, it leads the front page.

Times Decries " Anti-Communist Witch Hunt" in Hollywood Obit

Thank goodness for that: "By the time [director Jules Dassin] wrote and directed "Never on Sunday," a comedy about a good-hearted prostitute, the anti-Communist witch hunt in the United States had ...

Networks Ignore Revealing Obama 'Baby' Gaffe

Candidate doesn't want daughters punished with a baby.

Soldiers 'Experiencing God' a Problem for Newsweek

The Beliefwatch column suggests we can't have thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan reading a Christian devotional book, lest people think the government favors a certain religion.

Expelled Encounters Liberal Media Hostility

Documentary exposes the academy's emotional and ideological commitment to evolution, and its anti-scientific refusal to consider evidence for intelligent design.

Blumenthal Claims Inside Knowledge that McCain Flirted with Leaving GOP

Clinton campaign adviser points to presumptive GOP nominee's positions on torture, taxes, global warming, tobacco and health care as evidence.

More Fawning Over Left-Wing Comedian-Activists

Left-wing Lizz Winstead (who?) gets her second glorious profile in the NYT.
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