
Lewis Black, Anti-Catholic Hack

Black is the star of a brand new Comedy Central show named The Root of All Evil. Comedians act like prosecutors, with Black as judge, trying to determine which of two allegedly evil forces is ...

Here They Go A-Whoring: Media Pander Prostitutes, Pimps

ABC's World News is the first to go beyond titillation stories to report painful facts about the sex trade.

"Television Bullies" on Fox News Giving Irish a Bad Name

Former reporter Timothy Egan blogs at "Today, there are television bullies with Irish surnames on Fox, backing more tax cuts for hedge fund managers, and doing everything they can to ...

For Once We Agree

Paul Krugman: "I'm sorry to say that a large part of the progressive movement seems to have lost its sanity."

Foreclosure Filings Drop Month-to-Month, So Burnett Reports Year-over-Year Increase

CNBC contributor emphasizes disappointing foreclosure numbers but ignores decrease highlighted by reporting group.

ElectionWatch: Clinton's Rate Foreclosure Freeze Could Cause 'Chaos'

Media gloss over details and effects of liberal candidates' proposed mortgage bailouts.

Spitzer Targeted by Bush's Justice Department? Times Throws It Out There

The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Lives! "The federal officials sought to emphasize that Mr. Spitzer, a Democrat, had not been singled out by the Republican administration, although allegations of ...

Kudos: The Times Takes on NYC's "Fascination with Che T-Shirts"

A profile of Carmen Palaez, an anti-Castro playright: "The play was her retort to the fascination with Che T-shirts, solidarity tours to Cuba and the endless praise of the revolution's twin ...

Bolton: 'No Doubt' North Korea Would Try To Sell Nuke To Al-Qaida

Former U.N. ambassador faults 'lure of Chinese market' for U.S. not being tougher with China on Korean issue.

Burnett Ignores Ethanol's Role in Higher Food Prices

CNBC contributor blames 'energy prices and a weak dollar' for food inflation but neglects consequences of federal fuel mandates.
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