
News Spitzer Might Resign Met with Cheers on NYSE Floor

CNBC reports scandal greeted with ovation on Wall Street.

Renegade Shareholders Want Aggressive Internet Push by NYT Co.

An influential minority of shareholders are pushing for a sell-off of unwieldy assets and an aggressive push to buy Internet companies.

Times Still Clueless About Crime Cause and Effect

There they go again: "...but incarceration rates have continued to rise while crime rates have fallen." Hey, maybe the reason crime rates have fallen is that more criminals are in jail!

'Evening News' Plays Race Card on Home Loans

CBS suggests race was a factor in $300 delinquency surcharge in subprime hardship story.

ABC, NBC Continue to Ignore Personal Responsibility for Foreclosures

Four months after CMI released a study on debt coverage,only CBS addresses the character question in mortgage crisis stories.

ABC Highlights Gambler Suing Casinos for Enabling Addiction

Good Morning America ditches character, personal responsibility.

Rolling Stone Editor: 'Hillary Clinton Has Really Exhibited Some of the Things that Most Disgust Us about Politics'

Eric Bates tells MSNBC the Clinton campaign attacks on Obama are a 'veiled kind of racism' and says he favors Obama's campaign approach with new media.

'Nightly News' Takes Populist Tone on Student Loans

NBC urges federal involvement instead of personal responsibility, ignores government role in rising tuition.

Burnett Quadruples Foreclosure Statistics

Reporter says 8 percent of homes are in foreclosure, when it was actually 2 percent for the fourth quarter of 2007.

Veto-Proof Majority in Sight for Senate Dems, Says NYT

Yuk yuk yuk: "If voters start to take the comedian Al Franken seriously, the joke could be on Mr. Coleman in this potential swing state."
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