
CBS Reveals: John Edwards Influenced by Soviet-Linked Marxist I.F. Stone

What book would the former Vice Presidential nominee bring into the White House? A book by a man so radical he blamed South Korea for starting the Korean War.

America's Tabloid Coliseum

During the Roman Empire days, people would cram into coliseums to be entertained by gladiators fighting to the death. Have we created a modern American counterpart?

MSNBC's Matthews Blames Higher Gold Prices on Ailing Bush Economy

'Hardball' host forgets how it was like when he worked for Jimmy Carter.

GOP Spreading Anti-Immigrant "Hatred on the Campaign Trail"

The editorial page pivots from Bush's last State of the Union Address to show its contempt for the GOP slate.

"The Self-Deluding Universalism of the American Imperium..."

The magazine's top story this week: A ponderous left-wing essay that wouldn't have been out of place at The Nation (the key giveaway is the use of the word "hegemony" without irony).

ABC Interprets Lower McDonald's Sales as Recession Indicator

Golodryga: 'If Americans are saying goodbye to fast food, could we be saying hello to a recession?'

"Maverick" Media Favorite McCain Strikes Again

"Conservatives have also attacked his high-profile criticism of Republicans in Congress over pork barrel spending..." Huh?

A "Cruel" Arizona Law Means Illegals No Longer Get Money for College

How dare they: A new Arizona law limits financial assistance for college to actual citizens!

Take Two Pills and Reserve Your Place in Rehab

NBC highlights prescription drug abuse, but only in the wake of tragedy.

The Underreported View - 'The Economy Is Fine'

Newsweek cover story 'The U.S. Economy Faces the Guillotine' gives a bleak one-sided view ... but what media outlet doesn't?
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