
Bernanke Critics and Rate-Cut Proponents Quiet after French Banking Scandal

SocGen fraud may have caused European stock market fall that inspired Fed's emergency rate cut last week; Economist: 'There is way too much panic.'

NBC's Lauer 'On the Prowl for Victims' in Environmental Crusade

'Today' host accosts shoppers at Manhattan grocery store to berate them about using plastic and paper bags.

NYT Endorses McCain, Slams Rudy - Who Takes It as a Compliment

Tolerating McCain, hating Giuliani: "The real Mr. Giuliani, whom many New Yorkers came to know and mistrust, is a narrow, obsessively secretive, vindictive man who saw no need to limit police ...

Networks Cheer: 'The Check Is in the Mail,' 'Cash Is on the Way'

Coverage is not concerned with the cost to taxpayers, but if checks can be cut in time and whether recipients will spend or save their 'rebates.'

Oscar Loves Juno?

For once there is a movie whose message has brought cheers from both the pro-life and pro-choice camps. This is a good thing. Hollywood is applauding Juno. The public should applaud Hollywood for ...

'Recession' Presumption Leads to Stories on Thrift and Savings

ABC's Good Morning America highlights Biblically-based financial counseling.

Does Katie Couric Believe in Time Travel?

CBS Evening News suggests the 2006 teen birth rate spike is somehow 'connected' to pro-life films released in 2007.

NY Times Touts New FDA Regulations, Ignores Industry

Report on new FDA requirements for experimental drug testing ignores possibility of higher costs, includes no industry input.

UPDATE: Scare-Mongering Over Sushi

Calls came out from the National Fisheries Institute and others for major corrections to a one-sided, sensationalistic story on "risky" levels of mercury found in tuna sushi (photo of culprit on ...

Grimly Predicting a "Jarring End to the Pax Americana"

Kevin "Sad" Sack writes: "Now, Americans feel a loss of autonomy, in their own lives and in the nation. Their politics are driven by the powerlessness they feel to control their financial ...
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