
Still Sobbing Over Crackdowns on Illegals

Boo hoo: "She is a homeowner, a taxpayer, a friendly neighbor and an American citizen. Yet because she is married to an illegal immigrant, these days she feels like a fugitive."

Lauer Fears 'Rich' Might Get Some Tax Relief

'Today' host grills Treasury Secretary to make sure likely tax rebates will benefit only the lower and middle classes - despite the fact that 'rich' fork over most of the nation's revenue.

'Nightly News' Reports on Foreign Investment with Isolationist Tone

Segment neglects to explain foreign countries invest in the U.S. economy because it offers a good investing opportunity.

Evangelists for Teen Sex

The Midwest Teen Sex Show is a series of infomercials for 'comprehensive' adolescent indulgence.

Washington Post's Bias Seeps Into Sex Ed Story

Paper equates the Southern Baptist Convention with 'religious fundamentalism,' media shorthand for 'extremists.'

ABC Offers Tips to Secure the Job You'll Probably Lose Anyway

Morning scare-fest warns many jobs are in danger, suggests securing your position by boasting, kissing up.

Anger Continues Over the Times' Sleazy Story on Killer Veterans

Outrage over a sleazy Times story on U.S. veterans who come home and kill.

Cramer Calls for Media Balance on Recession Fears

While reversing his position on the economy from 'sunny skies' to 'recession,' Cramer says media should 'point out the positives with the negatives.'

Abortion Rates Drop, Bias Doesn't

Washington Post quotes three pro-choice sources, but only one pro-life source.

'Evening News' Pulls Out 'Great Depression' Comparison

CBS correspondent Mason compares banking woes to infamous history and offers no view from those who think a recession might be averted.
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