
Public Editor Lashes Back at Left-Wing Loons Attacking Bill Kristol

But Clark Hoyt still thinks it was a "mistake" to hire Kristol, because the conservative writer suggested last year the Times could be prosecuted for publishing national security secrets.

'Nightly News' Gives One Side of Antarctica Ice Changes

NBC environmental reporter points finger at man for landscape changes; doesn't acknowledge any other possible factors or science.

Back to the 80s? A Bad Reaganite Rerun, Says Style Reporter

There they go again: "The leading action symbols of the Reagan era - with all their excess, jingoism and good vs. evil bombast...."

MySpace Announces New Safety Measures to Protect Children from Online Predators

NBC shows parental involvement is still needed.

ABC Shock: Diane Keaton Drops F-Bomb on Good Morning America

If the networks would use a tape delay, they could catch those celebrity expletives.

Media Mania Over Chump Change

Most of us won't allow a hairstylist to change our do without an in-depth explanation. But a lot of us are buying into undefined promises of change from presidential contenders.

Former General Electric CEO Welch Tells MSNBC 'No Recession'

No 'technical recession,' Welch says; Economic despair is 'unwarranted,' say experts.

Is the Times Rooting for a Recession?

Assuming the worst, from Monday's front page: "The abrupt pullback raises the possibility that the country may be experiencing a rare decline in personal consumption, not just a slower rate of ...

Times Slimes U.S. Veterans with Dubious Crime Stats

The Times relies on dubious statistics about U.S. soldiers returning home and committing crimes to link the Vietnam War with Iraq.

ABC: Three-Way, Alone, It's All Okay

The View's 'Hot Topics' devolves into a raunchy game of truth or dare, minus the dare.
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