
Top Ten Lowlights of The New York Times in 2007

2007 brought a cornucopia of biased behavior by the nation's paper of record, from sliming innocent Duke lacrosse players to defending illegal immigration to yet another liberal rant from a ...

2.4 Percent: 'Dramatic' Decrease or 'Disappointing' Increase?

Media downplay billions of dollars in increased holiday spending as 'weak' and 'disappointing'.

How "Populist" Tax-Hiker Edwards Will Save Us from "Income Inequality"

Economics reporter David Leonhardt takes a shine to Edwards' "populist" (not liberal?) tax-raising rhetoric at the expense of Republican Mitt Romney.

No Christmas Cheer for Retailers - at Least Not During Bush Years

Ho ho ho? A "bleak holiday shopping season" with retailers "weeping over holiday sales receipts."

Cleverly Firing Back at Atheism

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible fires back at the cultural clout atheists in America have been enjoying.

'World News' Blasts Medicare Competitors in One-Sided Story

ABC continues to make case for public-controlled health care, this time by bashing private Medicare plans and scaring seniors.

The "Reagan-Era" Mike Huckabee?

Reporter Paul Vitello among the believers: "Whatever unease politicians may stir when they invoke Christmas among non-Christians does not seem to apply here. The hegemony of Christianity is as ...

Mitt Romney's Hard Right Move?

"The question at this point is whether Mr. Romney jerked the wheel too hard to the right..."

Media Use Strong GDP as Basis for 'Recession'

Commerce Dept. confirms last month's 4.9 percent growth forecast, but media make their own forecast.

Grinch-o-Meter Update

NBC's story slants to the left, but at least they covered the War on Christmas.
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