
This Christmas -- the Gift of Balanced Reporting

Sometimes the media get the story right. BMI highlights the 'good' news from 2007.

Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant – What About the Father?

Media ignores the fact that it takes two to create a baby, not just a girl.

U.S. Troops to Blame for Persecution of Gays in Iraq?

Reporter Cara Buckley: "One night shortly after Saddam Hussein fell, American soldiers burst into the apartment that Mohammed shared with his two brothers. They were looking for insurgents, but ...

CNN's Gupta: 'Cheap' Corn Should Be Taxed to Fight Obesity

Medical correspondent presents tax on products with corn syrup as a convoluted solution to obesity and to 'offset' price of corn, ignoring that the price is already at an 11-year high.

Once Again: GOP Lacking Usual "Zeal" for Their 2008 Candidates

Adam Nagourney files yet another story on GOP dissatisfaction with its slate of candidates.

Networks: Low Women's Clothing Sales Foreshadow 'Nightmare'

Reporters paint ominous picture of the holiday shopping season based on one sector showing lower sales - even though many are up.

AP: Group Praises China on Climate, Bashes U.S.

United States second worst in world according to left-wing environmentalist organization.

USA Today Praises Bill's Dimming of Incandescents

Reporter ignores environmental and financial downsides of high-tech light bulbs.

Being a Businessman Counts Against Apple CEO Jobs in 'Person of the Year' Contest

Time magazine's Web site states 'He's a businessman' as a 'con' in the race for its much-ballyhooed 'Person of the Year' title.

Frank Rich: "White Supremacists" Love Huckabee's Immigration Stand

"But it just may be possible that the single biggest boost to the Obama campaign is not white liberal self-congratulation or the Clinton camp's self-immolation, but the collective nastiness of the ...
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